Apply to Become a Group Leader
Lead an event and represent your city in Life Vest Inside’s annual worldwide Dance for Kindness!
Our Story
In 2012, we had a crazy idea to organize a WorldWide event in honor of World Kindness Day (November 13th), so we reached out to our fans and put our idea out there. What happened? We found 30 AMAZINGLY committed Group Leaders. With 30 locations, spanning across 15 countries and over 3,500 participants, the Life Vest Inside WorldWide Dance for Kindness was born.
Our Group Leaders are the heart and soul of this amazing event! As a Group Leader you are the head organizer of the Dance for Kindness event in your city. Group Leaders manage all of the tasks necessary to bring their event to life with the help and guidance of Life Vest Inside.
At its core the Group Leader program is a unique leadership training program that provides you with tools, resources and guidance not only to make your event a success, but to learn how to take any idea you may have and bring it to fruition.

Wanna be a Group Leader?
Let's Get Started!
Are You…A Team Player? Committed? Organized? Enthusiastic?
Then you are a natural born Group Leader!
Review the DFK Overview for further information or apply now!
One Day. One Dance. One Heart.
Keep the Kindness Going
Each year, Life Vest Inside organizes Dance for Kindness – a worldwide Kindness FlashMob that takes place in cities and countries across the globe who join together to dance to celebrate World Kindness Day. This incredible event provides schools with an opportunity to have their student body be part of something much bigger than themselves and recognize that while as a world we all may be different – we have reason to celebrate those differences and unite under the banner of kindness.
Group Leader Qualifications
Our goal is to help you become your best leader self.
As long as you are ready and willing to learn, we are happy to teach and guide!
Group Leaders represent the organization and what we stand for. A Group Leader’s character and values need to be in line with the core values of the organization.
We are looking for Group Leaders who demonstrate the following values:
- Kindhearted, Genuine
- Honest, Passionate
- Trustworthy, Dedicated
- Reliable, Enthusiastic
- Respectful, Humble
Skill Sets
We are looking for Group Leaders who have or are willing to develop the following skill sets:
- Organizational skills (time management, organized)
- Relationship skills (networking, people person)
- Communication skills (verbal, written, timelines)
- Basic computer skills
- Basic social media skills
- Event planning experience is a plus
We DO NOT expect you to be a professional event planner in any way. We will be here to guide you every step of the way and will provide you with the resources you need. As long as you are willing to follow through and keep an open line of communication - you are in for an awesome experience!
What do Group Leader Responsibilities Entail?
(further details are found within the Handbook)
Secure Locations
- Event Location
- Rehearsal Space Location
Secure Sound Equipment
Appoint Head Dancer(s)
Recruit Participants and Team Members/Volunteers
Secure the following for event coverage:
- Event Photographer
- Event Videographer/Editor
- Fundraising
Press Outreach
(NOT mandatory – more details in Handbook)
Event Promotion
(signage and social media)
Your DFK Gear
(NOT mandatory but highly recommended – more details in Handbook)
- Acts of Kindness Cards
- Event Flag
- Event Apparel (T-Shirts, Hoodies, etc.)
Sponsorship Outreach
(NOT mandatory – more details in Handbook)
After Event Wrap Up
Provide the LVI team with all of the required materials after your event is over. This includes video footage, photos, any press coverage links, testimonials.
Dance for a Cause!

Group Leaders are our partners in creating the change we wish to see in the world. As a Group Leader you will have the opportunity to get sponsored and raise $500 for the non-profit, Life Vest Inside. Hit your goal and a local school of YOUR choice will be entered to win a $1,500 grant compliments of Life Vest Inside!
How it Works
Steps to becoming an official Group Leader!

Apply below to become a Group Leader. Once you do, you’ll receive an email with access to our online Group Leader training portal with the Group Leader Handbook, tutorial and resources you’ll need.

Leader Training
Login to the Group Leader training portal and follow the steps provided to learn more about how to organize the event and get yourself ready for your onboarding call where you’ll become an OFFICIAL Group Leader.

Raise funds for an incredible non profit, Life Vest Inside. You will be guided, through the portal, to create your very own fundraising page for your city. We will provide you with a Fundraising Toolkit to help you reach your $500 goal!

Onboarding Call
Schedule your onboarding call with LVI Founder, Orly Wahba, to discuss your game plan and ask any questions you may have. Plus, get connected to our global network of Group Leaders and earn points for doing so.

Start Planning
Our Group Leader platform is filled with resources and tools to help you make your event come to life! With each task you complete, you’ll rack up Group Leader points and receive kindness badges.

After Event
Submit your After Event tasks (videos, photos, etc) through the platform to complete your Group Leader experience. Earn points and badges that can be traded in for exciting prizes and awards.
Still have a question? Check out our FAQ’s!
See You Soon...
Thank you for an incredible Decade of Kindness. We appreciate your continued support and choosing to dance with us over these past 10 years! Life Vest Inside will be taking a small break and we will not be hosting Dance for Kindness in the 2023 year. Don’t let that stop you from spreading kindness. Check out some of Life Vest Inside’s other activities.
Word on the Street
Hear what other Group Leaders Have to Say!
“Being a Group Leader for Dance for Kindness convinced me of the power of Kindness to change the world because it has changed me. Through the Dance for Kindness leadership program, I was given an opportunity to develop my organization, communication, and event planning skills. It challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and made me believe that I’m capable of doing great things.” – Stéphanie, Niainahariravaka – Antananarivo, Madagascar
“My event just took place and my heart is SO full! Our community rallied around to support and participate in the event. This experience brought us all together for a common purpose and knowing that we were linked to 50+ other countries all doing the same, creates a global bond that we wouldn’t have experienced without this DFK opportunity.” – Andrea Johnston, Huntsville, Canada
“Being a Group Leader allowed me to witness first hand what a community is all about; how people come together to help out, how they support one another and how they lift the spirits of everyone around them.” – Lana Mahmoud, Group Leader, Amman, Jordan
“Leading a Dance for Kindness event in your community is one of the most rewarding things you can do! You are bringing people of all ages together, all in the name of kindness and humanity! There is an incredible, powerful, positive energy and excitement in the air! It has become an annual tradition for us!” – Terese Rolke, Group Leader, Red Bank, NJ USA
Watch our Group Leaders in Action!
The heart and soul of Dance for Kindness isn’t found within the dance steps, it’s found within our incredibly dedicated volunteer Group Leaders. They infuse the true magic into this event!
Have More Questions?!
Read our FAQ's
A Group Leader is the person in charge of organizing Dance for Kindness in their city. Every city will have at least one Group Leader. In some circumstances there will be co-leaders; 2-3 people organizing the event together.
Further details are found within the Handbook.
- Secure Locations
- Event Location
- Rehearsal Space Location
- Secure Sound Equipment
- Appoint Head Dancer(s)
- Fundraise:
- Each Group Leader will manage their own fundraising page and will be tasked with raising a minimum of $500 for their location.
- Funds raised benefit the implementation of kindness curriculum in schools.
- Recruit Participants and Team Members/Volunteers
- Secure the following for event coverage:
- Event Photographer
- Event Videographer/Editor
- Press Outreach (NOT mandatory – more details in Handbook)
- Event Promotion (signage and social media)
- Your DFK Gear: (NOT mandatory but highly recommended – more details in Handbook)
- Acts of Kindness Cards
- Event Flag
- Event Apparel (T-Shirts, Hoodies, etc.)
- Sponsorship Outreach (NOT mandatory – more details in Handbook)
- After Event Wrap Up: Provide the LVI team with all of the required materials after your event is over. This includes video footage, photos, any press coverage links, testimonials.
As a Group Leader one of the most important things we ask is that you always communicate with us. Sometimes we take on more than we can handle, sometimes the unexpected happens – if you can’t do something or if you hit a roadblock, all we ask is that you communicate with us and let us know what you’re thinking. It’s natural to feel guilty and stop communicating, but communication is key! We will always respond to you and as Group Leader representing an organization focused on kindness – we expect the same from you
Things to consider:
- Do I have the time? Read through the responsibilities and review the Handbook
- Am I passionate about the mission of the organization? If you are connected to what the organization is about the likelihood is you won’t see things all the way through
- Do I understand my responsibilities? If you’re unsure of something – ask! That’s what we’re here for! We want to be certain that you feel confident in your role.
Public Event vs Private Event
Almost all of our Dance for Kindness events are public events. Private events are generally events that are organized internally by a school or company; although some schools have joined public events in their city.
Public Event
- Who can join: Can be joined by anyone and everyone.
- Registration: Once dance registration opens, all participants MUST register for the event directly on the Dance for Kindness website. In turn they will receive an email with a link to our Learn the Dance page providing them with the tutorial video, songs, connection to their Group Leader and so much more!
- Facebook Regional Page: Each public event will have their own Facebook Regional page making it easy for the Group Leader to communicate to all of the participants at the same time.
- Communication with Participants: Since Group Leaders may not know all of the participants that register for their event, Group Leaders are responsible for emailing participants updates. LVI will provide Group Leaders with email templates making it simple to communicate and share.
- Web presence: Each Public Event will have their own custom webpage on the Dance for Kindness website where photos, videos, testimonials etc will be posted.
- Event Fee: Dance for Kindness serves as Life Vest Inside’s annual fundraiser. As such, a donation of $10 is collected as part of online registration. Please note: the donation does not apply to all cities as we tend to deal with many third world countries. Donations collected are 100% tax deductible and go directly to the non-profits year round initiatives. Please note: the donation fee is discussed and agreed upon with Group Leaders during our onboarding call. Please note: NO ONE WILL EVER GET TURNED AWAY FROM TAKING PART IN DANCE FOR KINDNESS BECAUSE OF THE FEE.
Private Event
- Who can join: Cannot be joined by just anyone as this will be a closed event. Group Leaders determine who will participate in their event
- Registration: Participants will not register through the Dance for Kindness website as this is a closed event. The Group Leader will be responsible for keeping track of their participants.
- Facebook Regional Page: Group Leaders organizing Private Events can opt in to have a Regional Facebook page. If Group Leaders choose to have a page, we will create it and make them admin.
- Communication with Participants: Since Private Events generally have an internal base of participants already, the Group Leader will be responsible to provide the dance tutorial video to their participants and update them with details about the event.
- Web presence: Private Events, just like Public Events, will have their own custom webpage on the Dance for Kindness website where photos, videos etc will be posted.
- Event Fee: Group Leaders running Private Events will be asked to pay a $500 participation fee, plus Group Leaders will be tasked with raising $500 through the crowdfunding page. All participating schools who complete Group Leader responsibilities, will be entered to win a $1,500 grant for their school.
At its core the Group Leader program is a unique Online Social Entrepreneurship program that provides you with tools, resources and guidance not only to make your event a success, but to learn how to take any idea you may have and bring it to fruition.
As a Group Leader, you will have access to our Online Platform which will guide you through the process and provide you with opportunities to win points and unlock prizes as you bring your event to life.
- Group Leader Handbook: Provides you with a step by step guide of what it means to be a Group Leader and a breakdown of tasks. It includes:
- Event Overview and description
- Best practices and advice from past Group Leaders
- Breakdown of tasks
- Things to Do Checklist
- After Event Follow up
- Addendums:
- FreezeMob positions
- Release forms
- Sample Press Release
- Dance Tutorial: Step by step tutorial to learn the dance
- DFK Songs: The official FreezeMob and FlashMob song
- Promotional Materials: We provide you with access to our shared Gdrive and Dropbox folder – giving you access to everything from print ready posters, postcards, social media copy, social media posts, graphics, press release, newsletter blurbs, blog posts, event hashtags, videos and more.
- 24/7 Support: Join our Exclusive Group Leader Facebook group, providing you with the amazing support of our global leaders. Have questions, concerns – you’ll receive support in minutes!
- Certificates of Participation: Create certificates to distribute or email to your participants or group that are taking part.
Group Leader application generally opens in June. If you register for updates you will be kept in the know once it opens.
Not a problem! In many cases we have co-leaders. Sometimes co-leaders know each other and other times, we introduce two people that live in the same city that are interested in leading the event. This provides leaders with additional help to organize the event.
Once you apply, you’ll receive an email with the next steps to create your account for our Online Platform. Your status will remain “Leader in Training” until you complete the sections and schedule your onboarding call. At the conclusion of your onboarding call, your status will be switched to “Group Leader” and you will be officially listed.
Pre-registering just means you are interested in becoming a Group Leader and ensures that you will be the first to know when the Group Leader application process is open. It only remains open for two weeks, so it is recommended to pre-register. Once you receive an email that the application for Group Leaders is open, you will need to complete a separate form and then follow the steps listed in the questions above to be considered an official Group Leader.
The likelihood is that the email was caught by your spam or promotions folder. That would be the first place to check! Once you find it, you will want to add the email address to your address book and perhaps mark emails as priority so they will appear in your inbox. If you have checked your spam and promotions and still can’t find the email, shoot me an email and I will help you out:
Nope! Every year, Life Vest Inside creates a new dance to a new song. Our head choreograph creates a tutorial video providing a step by step breakdown of the dance. When people register to dance, they will receive a link to our Learn the Dance page with the tutorial video, the official FreezeMob and FlashMob songs as well as contact info for our head choreograph should they have any questions. All you need to do is remind those that have registered to practice the dance steps prior to the rehearsal.
Not at all! You just need to be you! As a Group Leader you can always bring on board a Dance Lead – who will help run the rehearsal and teach the dance.
Our goal is to maximize the amount of people that see the event. While Dance for Kindness takes place around the world on the same day, each Group Leader will determine the best time for their local event. We always recommend a time that has high foot traffic in the area where you will be having your event go off.
It’s always recommended to host the event on the actual day of Dance for Kindness as this is a worldwide event. However, we have made exceptions for Group Leaders to host the event the day prior or after. You request will need to be approved first. Schools participating generally host their event the day after the main event, on Monday.
That’s the great thing about Dance for Kindness – anyone can be a Group Leader! We have had Group Leaders ranging from age 10 to age 76! You do, however, need to make sure you are committed to seeing the event through.
Almost all Dance for Kindness events are public. What that means is that when Dance Registration opens, anyone living in a specific city listed can register to take part in that event. Private events are not listed on the registration form. Private events have generally been school events, in which a school only wanted their students to take part in the event and not open it up to community members in the area.
All Group Leaders are tasked with creating a fundraising campaign page to raise a minimum of $500. Group Leaders will be provided with everything they need to fundraise including email templates, sample text messages, social media posts, etc.
Yes! We will provide you with a sponsorship deck, email templates and steps for reaching out to sponsors. You will need to do the actual outreach, but we will be here to guide you and provide support throughout the process.
Of course it always helps to have some sort of event management experience, but that should not stop you from becoming a Group Leader! If anything, going through this program will provide you with tools, resources and a skillset that you can utilize in your own personal and professional life after the event is long over.
Our team will be here to guide you every step of the way. If you never try, you can never learn! Dance for Kindness has grown so rapidly because we have made it super simple for people to organize. You are provided with everything you need and if you need something we haven’t provided, we will get it to you!
Having some computer skills makes things easier, but that’s not to say that it should stop you if you don’t have those skills. Tons of Group Leaders have learned a tremendous amount of skillsets simply by going through the Group Leader process. We provide you with tutorials for just about everything and I can guarantee that you will most certainly apply those skills in both your professional and personal lives way after the event is over! If you are ready to learn, we are ready to teach!
I can’t tell you how many Group Leaders have entered our program shy, reserved and lacking confidence but left the program with a renewed sense of confidence, self-value and strength. I’ve seen Group Leaders blossom before my very eyes!
A permit request form is provided to Group Leaders in the Handbook. Depending on the city, an application may need to be submitted to the city to get permission to hold the event in a public space. The first step is to determine the best location in your city to host the event. Be mindful: the event takes place in November so keep weather conditions in mind when choosing either an indoor or outdoor location. Some Group Leaders have a backup location in case of weather issues.
We provide Group Leaders with a press release that can be customized for your specific city. In addition the Handbook details how to approach press in your city from local radio stations, to news outlets to newspapers or famous local podcasters and influencers. The more people you get speaking about the event, the better! Many of our Group Leaders have been featured on their national news stations. Check out our Press Page and see for yourself!
Our philosophy is that quality trumps quantity! While we would love to have millions of people dancing, no Group Leader is ever judged based on how many participants take part in their event. The importance is that we have people in as many places as possible dancing! We had locations with over 2,000 dancers and locations with 5 dancers – and each was successful in its own right! As long as you do your best, we are your biggest fans!
Once the Group Leader process is completed and we have a list of the cities where the event will take place, people can register directly on our website by selecting which city they will be dancing in. All participants for public events MUST register on the online form.
This varies by location. Dance for Kindness is a fundraiser for the non-profit, Life Vest Inside. That being said there is a $10 registration fee for cities within the US and Canada. Registration fees can vary based on the economical state of the area and recommendations from Group Leaders. Please note: no one will EVER be turned away from participating because they cannot afford the registration fee. Money collected through registration allows Life Vest Inside to orchestra this event in cities around the world and provide free service to many third world locations where the event takes place.
By far the greatest asset Group Leaders have is the Group Leaders closed FB group. This group is ONLY for Group Leaders and give all leaders an opportunity to connect with one another, ask questions and get support! There are loads of veteran Group Leaders who are always willing to lend a hand, provide support and give you the boost of energy and confidence you need when things get tough!